Начало работы ============= Установка --------- .. code-block:: Bash $ pip install aiomoex Пример использования реализованных запросов ------------------------------------------- История котировок SNGSP в режиме TQBR:: import asyncio import aiohttp import aiomoex import pandas as pd async def main(): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: data = await aiomoex.get_board_history(session, 'SNGSP') df = pd.DataFrame(data) df.set_index('TRADEDATE', inplace=True) print(df.head(), '\n') print(df.tail(), '\n') df.info() asyncio.run(main()) .. code-block:: default BOARDID CLOSE VOLUME VALUE TRADEDATE 2014-06-09 TQBR 27.48 12674200 3.484352e+08 2014-06-10 TQBR 27.55 14035900 3.856417e+08 2014-06-11 TQBR 28.15 27208800 7.602146e+08 2014-06-16 TQBR 28.27 68059900 1.913160e+09 2014-06-17 TQBR 28.20 22101600 6.292844e+08 BOARDID CLOSE VOLUME VALUE TRADEDATE 2020-09-01 TQBR 37.245 15671200 5.824013e+08 2020-09-02 TQBR 37.535 34659700 1.296441e+09 2020-09-03 TQBR 36.955 28177000 1.049745e+09 2020-09-04 TQBR 36.915 21908000 8.076767e+08 2020-09-07 TQBR 37.200 13334400 4.955280e+08 Index: 1573 entries, 2014-06-09 to 2020-09-07 Data columns (total 4 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 BOARDID 1573 non-null object 1 CLOSE 1573 non-null float64 2 VOLUME 1573 non-null int64 3 VALUE 1573 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(2), int64(1), object(1) memory usage: 61.4+ KB Пример реализации запроса с помощью клиента ------------------------------------------- Перечень акций, торгующихся в режиме TQBR (`описание запроса `_):: import asyncio import aiohttp import aiomoex import pandas as pd async def main(): request_url = "https://iss.moex.com/iss/engines/stock/" "markets/shares/boards/TQBR/securities.json" arguments = {"securities.columns": ("SECID," "REGNUMBER," "LOTSIZE," "SHORTNAME")} async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: iss = aiomoex.ISSClient(session, request_url, arguments) data = await iss.get() df = pd.DataFrame(data["securities"]) df.set_index("SECID", inplace=True) print(df.head(), "\n") print(df.tail(), "\n") df.info() asyncio.run(main()) .. code-block:: default REGNUMBER LOTSIZE SHORTNAME SECID ABRD 1-02-12500-A 10 АбрауДюрсо AFKS 1-05-01669-A 100 Система ао AFLT 1-01-00010-A 10 Аэрофлот AGRO None 1 AGRO-гдр AKRN 1-03-00207-A 1 Акрон REGNUMBER LOTSIZE SHORTNAME SECID YNDX None 1 Yandex clA YRSB 1-01-50099-A 10 ТНСэнЯр YRSBP 2-01-50099-A 10 ТНСэнЯр-п ZILL 1-02-00036-A 1 ЗИЛ ао ZVEZ 1-01-00169-D 1000 ЗВЕЗДА ао Index: 260 entries, ABRD to ZVEZ Data columns (total 3 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 REGNUMBER 248 non-null object 1 LOTSIZE 260 non-null int64 2 SHORTNAME 260 non-null object dtypes: int64(1), object(2) memory usage: 8.1+ KB